BYE SAS! 020104-040224
Berakhirnya subjek Prinsip Perakaunan di SAS... penutup SPM 2024...
04-02-2025moga perjalanan seterusnya lebih indah... Terima kasih SAS atas
6 days ago
Soalan ini akan disoal dalam Paper 2... Please make sure,u get full mark
2. Given the following equations:
P = 2x + 1,
Q = 4x + y,
R = x2 - 2xy + 3y - x,
find the values of x and of y if P = Q = R.If b2 - 4ac is less than zero, then there are no solutions. This means that there are no values of x giving a value of y of zero, hence the graph of the curve will not cross the x-axis.